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Belly, Nas and The Weekend had made a new track and it's got subliminal messages all over it. I'm just gonna jump into it.

In this clip, we see what's called Scorched Earth. The entire video takes place on scorched earth. Scorched earth is a place that directors and writers use in fiction and nonfiction stories to send the message that the end is near or the end is here for the characters in it. Destroyed, things or locations can symbolize that something is broken or defeated especially in the Hollywood context.

It means the current world we live in, the way of life in which we function has been destroyed.
Destroyed, defeated, making way for new

According to Marian Webster

  1. relating to or being a military policy involving deliberate and usually widespread destruction of property and resources (such as housing and factories) so that an invading enemy cannot use them

  2. directed toward victory or supremacy at all costs: RUTHLESSscorched-earth rhetoric

My conclusion to why the director had chosen this scenery was to depict the state of America; a world fought with weapons, missiles and bombs however, nations haven't had to use explosive projectile weapons on buildings in a 1st world country in a long time. Now, we fight with bioweapons. It's invisible and weakens society. That is the real damage and the parallel I see with the video vs reality.


  • Defeated society

  • Broken society

  • Hopelessness



Standing on top of an old tube television is a black crow which is commonly used as a symbol of manipulation and mischief. It flys toward the camera as a metaphor that the media is seeking to manipulate its viewers.


  • The TV means media

  • The crow = manipulation and mischief

  • Fire = to get rid of, or evil energy


Fallen Angel Wings

Belly is playing the role of a fallen angel who is now walking the streets, witnessing the destruction he had caused.

Wall-To-Wall Coverage of Media

Stacks of televisions on a wall to me mean wall-to-wall coverage of media. In the middle is the Crane, the symbol of freedom. Wallcovering TVs and a live Crane to me means the mass witnessing of the destruction of freedom.

According to The Astrology Web:

"A crane symbolizes freedom, intelligence, honor, good fortune, royalty, happiness, balance, grace..."


Out of Time?

This next one had me go into the bible. I knew it had a Cristian them being that Nas seems to be in the clock tower of a destroyed church.

The clock is a roman numeral time face in the time position of 6:23. I put two and two together and went to Romans 6:23 in the Bible. It says:

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

This scripture is referring to eternal life or infinite time. Ironically the video makes it seem as if they've run out of time. Possibly the rapture? After all, the world looks empty with only The Weekend, Nas and Belly.


Media symbols get clearer and clearer.

All cameras pointing to one subject and are all connected at the bottom. To me it means that they are all so connected, they might as well be considered one media outlet.

Again, we see more destruction of media but this time, we finally destroy the cameras which are the source of this fake news. They left this clip toward the end because this symbolizes the final solution to what I believe America needs in order for our future to not look like this video (metaphorically).


This represents the symbol of power in one man, Belly who played the Fallen Angel.

In summary, the video is trying to tell us that we are in the mids of a New World Arrangement/Order that is in some way a spiritual war with our minds. The media is trying to take our freedoms by convincing us that we should destroy them.

Lord Len, muddle finger, cute pawg
Lord Len

Alenie (born 2001), better known by the stage name Lord Len, is an American rapper, best known for the songs "Better Than You" and "What's the Tea?".

Aleni was born in Long Island, New Jersey, and raised in Palm Beach FL. She started making music around 2016. On Culture Stigma's 'Late night studio sesh she stated':

"Long story to the short, I looked up the longest, Tay-K, The Race instrumental... I remixed it... recited it, and I liked it."

Len began uploading some of her songs and pictures to various music websites like YouTube and SoundCloud. Her earlier work has since been removed: she told Culture Stigma that comments initially ran along the lines of, "You're too loud. You're a girl. You're too aggressive. You're scary."

WikiBandom Bio

Real Name

Alenni (Last Name Unknown)


Lord Len








Music Artist

Date of Birth

January ??, 2001

Age (as of 2024)

23 years


Making music





Zodiac Sign


Current Residence



West Palm Beach


New Jersey

Relationship Status



Lord Len Style

Len teamed up with some music producers like Kezii, and 16-year-old producer Daniel WSP in 2023 and leaned into her raging style. She released several solo records like 'What's the Tea?', and 'Dead It' which were shot with enigmatic music video director Yah Leon.

Her style of music would usually land in categories like "RageRap", a subgenre of rap with known artists like Tekashi69, Scar Lord, Lil Darkie, and Killazami.

During the release of Better That You in 2023, Lord Len quickly became an online meme. Clips and even gifs were created with the caption, "I don't know what to say anymore" and "Feminism on the rise" Lord Len doesn't identify with the ideas of feminism but she understands how onlookers can perceive that message. It's definitely not to the benefit of any man but not to any benefit of other women either. She treats everyone fairly. She expresses her experiences like other artists do. This internet buzz didn't stop her, it only added fuel to her fire. Culture Stigma's music connoisseur Vashti Estrada says "I'd say she's one of the greater artists out there. It's rare to find Nicki Minaj's alter ego with energy levels over 9000. She's the female Scar Lord." Scar Lord has his dark and enigmatic themes, Lil Darkie has his cynical cartoons and ZillaKami has his Demonic rolling stone vibes.

Liv Margre interviewing Lord Len on Culture Stigma
Lord Len and Liv Margre on Late Night Studio Sesh

Lord Len's theme is Bad Barbie and1900s circus with a splash of New Jersey hype beast in Filas. She brought back the successful Insane Clown Possie theme but may not even know it; a part of me wouldn't mind if Psychopathic Records came knocking at her door. They seem compatible. Lord Len told Culture Stigma that she plans to stay independent because of her stance on men in the music industry, Culture Stigma asked:

Are you fully independent?

M'hm (Yes)

Do you have like a management?

M'mm (No)

So, do you think it's better for an artist to sign or are you kinda just...?

I don't know right now to be real with you. It would really have to make sense for me to sit down and sign papers.

Who would you want to be signed to?

I don't care, whoever talks to me the nicest to be honest.


An advert for social media management
Let somone manage your social media for you

Album artwork

Lord Have Mercy Album artwork
Lord Have Mercy Artwork

Lord Len's 'Lord Have Mercy' makes this her first fully digitally designed album artwork with no photography. Her choice of designs is definitely creative especially how she adds subliminal messaging throughout her work. In her recently released Mixtape 'Lord Have Mercy', we confirmed some minimal messaging in the new Baby Len merch. Baby Len is a mini version of Lord Len. The 2 babies represent the two sites of her she expresses. Bad-Barbie and Even-Badder-Barbie. We didn't see the circus theme fully manifest until 2024. The development of that style is subliminally represented as a developing child or brat outfitted in her "cirbeast", circus hype beast style. If that's not the case, that's just what it looks like (outside looking in).

Barbiebeast: A person who enjoys and purchases popular fashion to accentuate Barbie or Brat Doll themes.

Circbeast definition: A person who enjoys and purchases popular fashion to accentuate circus themes.

In summary, she's independent since her trust in labels may be due to an industry trend moving towards independence since Mac Miller set the example for becoming the top independent rapper back in 2010. Lord Len might have officially taken the thrown of the female rage-rap artist category. An Any Whitehouse of drill.

If you find some of the info in this article is inaccurate and could be improved, email it here.

Music Theory

Disclosure; everything I write here are made from theory accompanied with research to support my theory.

I know this all too well. I was friends with a girl who I thought was my best friend, I was just her best enabler and supply. I don’t have a PhD in physiology, but I am a very good research student and what I have found in this song may be Cleo Sol expressing how she struggles with Cluster B Personality Disorder. Let me explain.

When you first listen to the song, you may be inclined to believe she is speaking to someone else. Cleo is also speaking to herself.

Screen shot from an other song titled (Sweet Blue)

“Why don't you just let go

And quiet down your ego?”

(Issues with self-image)

A core part of Cluster B Borderline Personality Disorder is narcissism. People with this kind of personality disorder have a grandiose image of themselves or a grandiose image of the person they had constructed for you to like them. Deep down, they don’t like the real person they’ve become. They believe they must lie for you to like them because they believe you’ll never like the real person they are.

“Don't complain about finance, I know your daddy weren't a real man”

(Issues with childhood especially in the father department)

I don’t know anything about Cleo’s personal life but it I had to make an educated guess while using her this particular single, I’d say she didn’t have a grate childhood. According to a Cambridge University study in 2002, “Child abuse and neglect have repeatedly been shown to be risks for psychiatric and personality disorders.” …[they] report mental disorders assessed from early childhood to adulthood in those later identified as victims of abuse or neglect by official or self-report.” (Cohen, Brown, & Smailes, 2001)

“Go ahead and live your dreams To me you're stronger than a whole team”


This can be taken 2 ways.

  • Here, I could be wrong but (playing devil’s advocate) people with Borderline tend to believe they are superior than everyone they encounter. If they believe you are superior, they will inject themselves into your life and seek validation at the expense of your self-love. This effectively makes them believe they are “Stronger than a whole team”

  • Another (and more likely) spin to this line could be interpreted as Cleo expressing her strength to fight her Borderline tendencies wile pursuing her career and that very few people could endure the handicap is puts on her life especially her emotions. In other words, she’s emotionally “Stronger than a whole team”

“I know you can't relax And you don't want me to know that”

(Struggles with intense emotions)

People with Borderline feel intense feelings and for a longer time. The average person feels feelings on a slow curve. Borderlines feel intense emotions sooner and for a longer time. Their brains have not developed proper emotional regulation skills. Hence the line “I know you can’t relax”.

Thees feelings are so intense, they run from them by blame shifting, projecting or never taking responsibility for things they caused.

They don’t like resolving issues when they are at fault because it will support their life lingering thoughts of inner hate and low self-worth. In other words, a narcissistic injury depicted in #1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Whatever age they were abused is the age their emotions stopped developing. I know it’s a bit extra and will fly passed the average Genius user but, “they’d NEVER want anyone to know that."

“I see you work real hard; You wanna help your friends; But trust me baby; You don't owe them; Don't take on people’s problems”

This one needs a little unpacking and may seem like a stretch once explained at first read but if the conditions are right, I’m right. I assume the friends she use to hang around were also troubled people just like her. People with personality disorders tend to flock together (but constantly interchanging). Cleo works real hard to obtain self-love and wants to help her friends but because personality disorders are almost impossible to correct, she’s telling herself “You don’t owe them; Don’t take on people’s problems”.

Part 2 coming soon

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